Saturday, May 2, 2009

Different Reactions, One Prayer

When people learned about my having bone cancer, I got different reactions...

...some were speechless and at a loss for words

...some shed tears copiously ("humagulgol")

...some quoted Scripture and gave words of inspiration

...some were optimistic and said it's a win-win situation (if I survive, God will be glorified; if I don't, I will meet our Creator sooner than expected)

...some were sympathetic, saying that cancer of the bone is the most painful of cancers

...some gave practical advice: take certain products, get a second medical opinion, start a fund-raising drive for my medication

...some offered financial assistance

...some tried to laugh it off

...some believed that I can overcome this trial since I have gone through a lot in life already

Various reactions but ALL of them said, "We will pray for you". I believe in the power of prayer. My life is testimony to what prayer can do. God listens when we pray and since I have soooh many prayer warriors, I know that much good will come out of this. Just you wait and see.


  1. Amen! Cheer up! You've touched a lot of lives :)

  2. Ma'am Gamo! I am sorry to hear your condition. I know you are strong and you can get through this. The class will pray for you. *cyberhug!*

  3. Thanks Twin and Adz! You have always been my loyal blog followers keep it up. Yes, I need your prayers.


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