Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Yesterday, a former "neighbor" visited me at our condo. Mom was curious, too, so she joined in our conversation.

He was thoughtful enough to bring cake. Delicious! Mom ate two slices right away.

We went down for a while to have something notarized. It's great to know that there is a notary public within our building.

We talked about many things...former neighbors, common friends, etc. (It seemed that he knew a lot of people!). It really is a small world. Glad to have a new friend.

My client-friend was supposed to drop by today because we have a newly approved project. We were supposed to revise the questionnaire. I had a lot of questions so I did not start doing it yet. She said she will come tomorrow morning. She reset her meeting with the end client at 1 pm.

Glad to have a new project.

I am still lifting excerpts from "Beyond Disruption". But instead of just a word file, I want to come up with a Powerpoint version. Hope client would agree to it.

The other book,"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, is still being read by my son. It is a classic and I consider it a privilege for me to get to read it.
So what else is new?

I started reading another book for leisure, entitled "Sins of Omission". Mom enjoyed reading it so I decided to start reading it, too.

Mom went to a rheumatologist to complain about her aches and pains. She was asked to undergo Citiscan. I hope it is not anything serious.

I ate spicy adobong pusit from Cafe Denim. It was good enough, I finished everything.

My friend is celebrating her birthday soon. She asked if I can join her and her brother because the latter is treating us out. I think I am well enough to go out. Yey.

Life is good, knowing it is in God's hands.

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