Every day I pray. All day long. Especially at night when at everthing is at it's worst.
I can hardly work. But I am hopeful do continue doing this blog. I want to contribute my story to MMK and to Star Cinema. And I want to write a book. With modern technology this can be done.
My prayers at night are varied...of frustration and of hope, of thanksgiving and of despair, of pain and of relief, of gratefulness to my mom and gratititude to Mama Mary, from wanting to go and from staying on to fulfill my mission...a kalleidoscope of desperation, hopes and dreams. My mind is all mixed up.
But I know in the end that God willl fix up everything. There will be tranquility.
I amwell-loved. Almost daily I get visitors to give me hope, consolation, presence also food and financial blessings. I am not able to digest the food yet but I am grateful for the thought. So, I pray for my visitors and they almost always cry. It is my gift to them. Because gratititude is all I can give at this points. Yest my life is one big thank you!