Thursday, June 23, 2011

Another Visitor

Yesterday, another Maryknoller friend visited me. She gave me holy water, some money and pizza. We prayed the 3 o'clock prayer and the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy. I gave her one of my pictures which she will bring to healing masses. What a dear friend!

Another friend and group of friends were supposed to visit me today. But some things came up so both visits were postponed.

Due to the bad weather, I have cough and colds. I drank a glass of calamansi this morning.

Work came in, due Saturday but I'm almost done. Unless I will be asked to summarize the responses to the questionnaire.

I'm reading another book by Dean Koontz entitled "Shadow Fires". As my mom described it, never a dull moment so I'm eager to keep reading it.

I'm wearing my brace again. Somehow eases the pain on my back.

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