This blog aims not only to make people laugh, but also to inspire others, instill positive short, to make this world a little better, a little happier. This blog is meant to bless (in my own little way) all those who read it. It's my way of saying "I love you more and more".
Today, Grace fetched me. We went to Little Quiapo along Malakas Street, Quezon City.
We had a gettogether with fellow Maryknollers - Beda, Bing-Bing, Rannie, Sandy, Tina, Dang, Dolly, Liz, Carrie, and Maitet. Sandy and Maitet were the balikbayans.
We ordered chicharon, pancit palabok, kare-kare, rellenong bangus, tokwa't baboy, rice, dalandan juice, softdrinks, halo-halo and mais con hielo. Yummy!
As usual, there was a lot of picture taking.
There was a lot of kwento (chatting) about the good old days as well as current events and present goings on of people we know.
I ordered a small bilao (round "plate") of pancit bihon as my mom told me.
Before bringing me home, Grace brought Maitet to Manila Polo Club. I waited in the car for a while.
I met Maitet's sisters, Sylvia and Tata. More picture-taking.
I spent today working on two projects - topline reports and the start of a full report.
I also kept texting with a friend. He was in a "philosophical mood". Ha ha.
I'm so proud of Efren Peñaflorida, the CNN Hero of the Year. I quote his speech:
"Our planet is filled with heroes, young and old, rich and poor, man, woman of different colors, shapes and sizes. We are one great tapestry. Each person has a hidden hero within. You just have to look inside you and search it in your heart, and be the hero to the next one in need. So to each and every person...the hero in you is waiting to be unleashed. Serve, serve well, serve others above yourself and be happy to serve. As I always tell my are the change that you dream, as I am the change that I dream, and collectively we are the change that this world needs to be." Wow! I am soooh inspired to serve! I am praying that God will give me many opportunities to serve and reach out to others.
Today, Jobert and Lovely went to the condo. We played a game of scrabble. Lovely won.
Then, we went to Gateway. Jobert brought my son's donations (old clothes) for the prison ministry at the Papemelroti shop. He gave me a cute decor that says "Friendship is to people what sunshine is to flowers."
We went to their office (Pisces Publishing) because Jobert had to do some work. I continued preparing for my tutorial tomorrow.
We had a brief meeting on a new website.
For dinner, we ate at My Thai. I ordered chicken pandan while Jobert had beef curry, but we shared viands. Lovely had dessert of ice cream and fried bananas. We took turns writing "Love Eternal", another poem.
For the highlight of the day, we watched a concert by Side A. Jobert bought each of us a CD of the group so we got VIP seats. It was a great concert!
We were supposed to eat McDo but it was too traffic to go through the drive-thru.
Our pottery session didn't push through (moved to next Wednesday) because our teacher wasn't feeling well.
Instead, Jobert, Lovely and their cousin from Canada, Julio went to Ayala Museum. Very interesting artifacts and displays from the past. There, I also met their mom, Tita Tita and her sister, Tita Lina whose birthday it is today.
We had merienda in Makati at a restaurant called Fely J. We ate pancit canton, lumpiang sariwa and sate. While there in the resto, we asked Julio to join our Living Poets Society. We wrote a poem entitled "Wonderful".
Then, I asked the three to each write a word to start five lines. The title of the poem is "Inspired". I expanded each word into a complete line.
Jobert and I wrote a poem shaped like a star. Ha ha.
We fetched Jobert's friend, Noe, then went to the Fort. We ate dinner at Thai Silk. Delicious food but sorry, I cannot remember their names. In layman's terms, there was chicken curry, spring rolls, shrimp curry, something with peas and "ground pork", etc. I had pandan juice. Everything tasted good!
We wrote another poem entitled "Beautiful". Noe got recruited into the Living Poets Society. Yehey! We are now five members. Anybody else wants to join us?
Noe is such a swell guy! He wants to visit our condo to see the sunset.
Lovely is good to be with. She is coming over to play scrabble with me.
Julio is a nice young man. Pretty well-behaved for a Canadian teenager.
Today, Beda came over and we had a "cooking lesson".
We cooked bistek (beef steak) with bell pepper and carrots. Actually, all I did was pare the carrots. She practically did everything else! Beda even washed the dishes.
My youngest brother dropped by for a visit. While we were discussing, Beda cooked another dish. Ground pork with tomato sauce. Delicious!
I am working on another project but the conclusions requires some thinking. Hmm...
Today has been an ordinary day with nothing extraordinary happening.
I took an extended nap.
I kept playing online scrabble.
A client texted me and we will meet tomorrow to discuss a project. He will fetch me at 3 pm and we will go to Starbucks.
The secretary of an old friend (college) whom I chatted with recently called up to set an appointment for next week, Friday. Another new client! Yehey!
Next Wednesday, I will be attending a pottery session. This time I will try my hand at some art and crafts.
For dinner, I ate prawns - five to six pieces. Delicious!
Thank You, Lord, for a simple though ordinary day.
Today, I went with my friend Noemi to Gateway. Just to get away, we went to Gateway.
We ate at Pancakes. Food trip! Taco, carbonara, grilled cheese, banana split, Coke Light/Zero.
But then my back ached terribly I could barely walk. I wanted to buy some ribbons for my hair but I could not walk the length towards the nearest store selling such stuff.
And while waiting for a cab, I felt my legs about to give in!
I can't go for long distances yet, I realize.
Oh well, nevertheless, I enjoyed the food and the company.
Today the Living Poets Society was formed. So far, there are only three members - Jobert, his sister Lovely and myself.
We composed "on the spot" inside a Japanese restaurant in Eastwood Mall two poems of five stanzas each. We even used different ballpens for our lines.What great fun!
The titles of the poems were, "Happy Thoughts" and "The Way to Heaven".
More good news, I have a friend who asked me to help her with two projects. Yehey, any project, no matter how small, is welcome!
I thought I didn't have work so I texted friends to either visit me or bring me out. He he.
Most texted back. So, most are coming over or will bring me out next week.
A friend at first said that he can't make it today. Turns out he cancelled his meeting so we could go out.
So, Felix fetched me. We went to...Bellini's again! I ordered seafood pasta, fettucine, oil-based instead of what I ordered the last time. We had appetizer but I forgot the name. And of course, Coke Zero.
Bing-bing joined us after a while.
We talked about college days (they are part of my college barkada, kappa pi pi), old lovers, wedding days, work, present family life, politics, other current events.
My mom texted me not to stay up late. I feel like a sixteen year old! ha ha
BTW, a friend and sometimes client made me write a questionnaire. I thought it would take me till tomorrow but I was able to finish way before I had to be fetched.
I worked on two reports today. I don't mind. For freelancers like me, I can work (and play) any time I want as long as I meet schedules.
While working, I watched the Pacquiao-Cotto fight. Victory! I'm so proud of Manny! I do hope he does not give up his boxing career to enter politics. He he.
Today, I went to see two of my doctors - my internist and my hematologist.
Both told me to take more medicines and undergo more tests. Oh no!
After early dinner at the canteen, mom and I waited long for a cab. (Times like these, I wish I had a car!)
I tried calling up people to help. Until I chanced upon a friend who was on his way home and inside a cab. He fetched me and we brought him home first.
Home at last! Now, I am tired and sleepy. So early to bed I go.
I have been super busy these past couple days, I forgot to blog yesterday and it's almost 11 pm as I write this.
I am glad to be working hard because I know it brings in much needed income. I also feel a sense of fulfillment knowing that I am of help to my client.
I have been working on a long report with several product categories. And today, I helped my clients practice for their presentation tomorrow. Three projects with 200 plus slides each! Whew!
BTW, what is work without food? We ate KFC and later, Shakey's pizza. Delicious!
Jobert and I are making slow but "sure" progress in our first poem together. And in the future, we will have poetry sessions together. Yehey! What fun would that surely be!
Last night, Jobert came up with an interesting and exciting idea! Why don't we jointly write poems and even publish them?
It will go this way. I think of a title. He writes the first line. I write the second line. He writes the next, and so on. Until we are able to complete a poem. Sounds like fun!
We have started emailing to each other. My first title is "Two Friends." We have come up with six lines already or 1.5 stanzas. For this first poem, we agreed on five stanzas of four lines each.
We even have a color scheme. My lines are in purple. Jobert's lines are in blue.
For suspense, I won't post this first poem until it's completely done. Watch out for it!
I went to Confession (at last!) I feel free as a bird!
I worked on an ongoing long report.
And best of all, Jobert came over. I showed him my "discovery album", full of old pictures and memories. We sang two songs on online karaoke. Then, he took photos of mom's Christmas tree and decors.
We decided to eat dinner together. At first, we went down to Jin Junikos but they didn't have the food we wanted to eat. So we decided to go to Sushi-ya Libis. (Much classier, bigger place than their branch in Tomas Morato.) I ordered bento box, my favorite. I also got to eat salmon sashimi. Jobert ordered all sorts of stuff.
After which, we had coffee, tea and cake (called Earthquake cake). The cake was so filling we were not able to finish our respective slices. The place is called Obsession, along Katipunan Road (White Plains area).
The whole time, Jobert and I talked about things...Christmas, relationships, family, projects and plans, etc.
All too soon, it was going home time. Sigh. It's always fun to see and be with Jobert.
Thank You, Lord, for such nice and wonderful friends!
My friend, Luz, came to visit. It's her birthday on November 12. She brought lunch from Amber - Pancit Malabon, barbecue and calamares. Delicious! (Didn't you notice? I keep talking about food in this blog. Glad I'm not gaining weight.)
Luz stayed long enough for us to talk about past and present. Work. Common friends. Health.
I taught her how to send messages to specific friends in Facebook without broadcasting it to the whole world.
Luz has been my friend for more than two decades already.
Tomorrow, Chona is coming over. So will Jobert. I will give money to Chona. Jobert will give money to me. He he.
Mom has already put up Christmas decorations. Very pretty.
Thank God, for friends who come over and for moms.
Today is my son's day off and that in itself is a great blessing because I get to see more of him.
After a long while, I got to eat sinigang na baka. Mom cooked it and its pretty good!
I was able to do some work. Another blessing because I don't feel like some useless invalid.
And great news! Money from abroad came in after months of waiting. It is payment for a project which I was not able to complete fully because I was newly diagnosed with cancer. With the amount, I can buy my son the cellphone he badly needs (he is using mine). I didn't give him a Christmas gift last year. And it could also be my birthday gift to him and Christmas gift for this year. He he.
The rest of the money, I am giving to my mom so we can pay our debts.
Although I have one regular client, recent weeks have been good because the projects are rather big and I get to collect weekly.
Friends - Jobert, Chona, Luz, Sally, Sylvia and company - are coming over this week till next week...not at the same time, of course.
Thank You, Lord, for all these blessings and more!
Today is hospital day. I get to see the outside world again if only for a brief while.
After CBC, my mom and I ate at the canteen. I ate "breakfast" of rice and longganisa.
Then, I waited for my Velcade treatment in the chemo room. I'm glad to find out that the cute resident/doctor assistant of my hematologist has been reassigned to me. I overheard one of the nurses that I am his favorite patient. What do you know, he is my favorite doctor, too! So, since I'm sick of cough and colds and my hematologist will be out of town, I asked for Dr. L_____'s cellphone number - just in case he he. I just might make him a textmate, if that's permissible.
Mom and I ate lunch in the canteen to avoid cooking and washing dishes for lunch. We ate pancit canton again, pork asado topping, and buko juice. A simple lunch but delicious.
Back home, I took a nap. Then did some work. I was supposed to listen to some tapes of in-depth interviews but the tapes were second hand so I could hardly understand a thing. I decided to go back to the long report I was doing.
Mom left for a while to buy medicine, a new stand for our new water dispenser, and some new pitchers for water. She is making banana cake now. What a mom!
I couldn't resist texting Dr. L. just to say that November 8 is a Sunday so I will have my CBC and chest x-ray on November 9 instead. He immediately texted back to say that if if my cough worsens and I get a fever, I should report to him sooner. Wow, I must really be his favorite!
I feel happy today, even if I just stayed at home. Even if I had cough, colds, and my period (first day).
Mom left after lunch to play mah jongg at my brother's house.
I took a long nap.
I was able to work on a report. There were several subsections and I finished them all except the conclusions of one.
Then, my friend called up. At first, it was cut short because it was dinner time for them. So I took the time to eat my own dinner. He called up again after a while and we chatted. Same guy is visiting me this Friday or next week.
I think I shall sleep early because I will go to the hospital tomorrow.
Friday, mom and I went first to the hospital for my third treatment, 8th cycle of Velcade. We ate lunch of pancit canton, yang chow rice and spare ribs. Then, we went to my sister's house where we played mah jong with Auntie Fe. I ate buko salad so my cough got worse. For dinner, the rest of the family joined us. We ate chicken inasal, barbecue, pancit malabon, cinnamon sticks, bread bun, chocolates, and cheetos. We went home very late already so I wasn't able to write in this blog.
The following day, Saturday, there was brownout in the condo. My brother picked up mom and I and we went to Shakey's. The other family members were there already and they have ordered. We ate a sumptuous meal of carbonara, spaghetti, two kinds of pizza (pepperoni and angus), chicken with mojos and soft drinks. Then, we went to the crypt of Dad and said a few prayers.
We split ways. Some of the girls watched a movie, "5oo Days of Summer". The others went shopping, then later played mah jong in my brother's house. I went with my sister to her house where I alternated between sleeping and watching TV. I also stood up to eat dinner of tempura.
I was fetched late already so I was too tired to blog.
So there, absence explained.
I am not in the pink of health. I have cough and colds. But it's always fun and heartwarming to be with family.
Hi I'm Nimia. Just turned 50. Single again. Not desperately seeking (but secretly longing). Notorious for my corny jokes. My mission in life is to be a joyful instrument of God's love and a loving instrument of God's joy through TAWASSS - teaching, appreciating, writing, affirming, speaking and serving with a smile.