I have been...
...preparing presentation materials on a book
...revising two questionnaires
...revising a proposal
...doing the sampling design for a quantitative study
...preparing a report due asap
Of course, I still take time to play Bookworm or Scrabble Sprint.
And I finished reading "Mitigating Circumstances" by Nancy Taylor Rosenberg. I am starting to read another book, entitled "The First Family" by best-selling author, David Baldacci.
I have more projects/tasks coming up...
...a quantitave study where I will be asked to finalize the questionnaire and prepare the report. I might also do some tabulation.
...a qualitative study of six FGD groups.
...revision of a website.
...tab specs for a quantitative study
My mom and son went to the grocery yesterday. I asked for shampoo, deodorant and feminine wash. They also bought chichiria (junk food) for me, but not chicharon. My friend texted me that he will give me chicharon with taba (fat). Yey.
My friend was kind enough to give me the next batch of Sambuhay. We are to exchange reflections through email.
As much as possible, I use the stationery in my new Yahoo every time I send out an email. A friend said she was envious of my having so many designs. Ha ha.
I haven't had time to do a lot of chatting. But as soon as I get the chance, I will continue doing so to keep in touch with friends and relatives.
Here is a pretty picture I saw in a website:
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