Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mother Teresa Wrote to Me

In 1997, I received a letter from Mother Teresa just a few days before she died. Let me share with you, what she wrote:

Dear Nimia Gamo Yumol,

Thank you very much for your beautiful letter. I am glad to learn of your love for God. He loves you in a special way. Listen to Him in the Silence of your heart and you will hear Him speaking to you, "I love you, you are precious to Me; love one another as I have loved you."

He loved us to the very limit of love - The Cross. Let us also love Him so much as to give ourselves to Him in each other. Let us pray.


M. Teresa mc


In one short letter, Mother Teresa teaches us how to become a saint. Let us heed her words and see each other in heaven!

1 comment:

  1. God must have loved you.You were healed. i have read your book "Things I Learned Before I Was Born" I've kept the book.


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